
#88 パワー・オブ・ザ・ディープ 大いなる水の力 クリアリング・オブ・ザ・ウォーターズ#4 アンジェリックエッセンス 水の癒しキット







TOP画像 商品説明

This essence speaks to the true power of water. Water is a most powerful force. It is a critical and necessary force of sustaining life. It is most powerful at it's source. The power of the deep essence speaks to the depth of the water, the transcendent nature of the water, the life giving force of the water and the absolute necessity of the water. Power of the Deep, awakens deep within the psyche of all beings, and of all consciousness, all nature, all elements, the power of the water as is stirs within every one of our cells. This essence can be given to the water itself to awaken this consciousness within every molecule of the water, for often it has forgotten it's own source and own purpose through the separation and loss of it's life force. By giving the essence, Power of the Deep to the water, it brings back to water the memory of who it truly is and it's power, and it's beauty and it's purpose. As this essence is taken by humans or others, it awakens in us the recognition of the power of water, the power of the deep, deep within our own beings. It awakens us to the resonance we have with the water within our own bodies and the water that exists throughout ALL the universe. It brings this awareness into consciousness, then brings it to a harmonious connection and resonance with all. So as the water within us is accessed, through the Power of the Deep, it then recognizes and resonates with the water within another. By this process it brings to experience, through the water base that we all are and this planet is, the oneness of all. This essence was co-created by Bonnie Whittington, essence producer extraordinaire; Ruth Joy and the Angelic Essence Team.





メーカー アンジェリックエッセンス
シリーズ名 水の癒しキット
商品名 パワー・オブ・ザ・ディープ(大いなる水の力)/クリアリング・オブ・ザ・ウォーターズ#4[Power of the Deep/Clearing of the Waters#4]
原材料/品質 清涼飲料水
内容量 15ml
賞味期限 商品に記載
メーカー名 AngelicEssences
製造者 AngelicEssences
生産国 アメリカ
輸入者 ネイチャーワールド
資料提供 ネイチャーワールド
使用上の注意 ラベルのデザインが変更になる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 本品は化粧品や医薬品ではありません。 効果は個人によって異なり、特定の効果を保証するというものではありません。
商品名について 制作時期により、ラベルタイトルが異なる場合がございます。
広告文責 (株)B-CRUISE(0362724460)
キーワード Power of the Deep/Clearing of the Waters#4
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